Short Essay Questions in the Application

When you complete the online application for the small, medium, or large grant, you will be asked to include answers to the questions below. Please be prepared to answer all of these questions when you are completing the application.

  1. Please tell us about the work that you do.
  2. What practical difference do you want to make?
  3. Tell us something about the community you work with and the challenges it is currently facing.
  4. What strengths and opportunities do you see in your community?
  5. How can the Luol Deng Foundation best help you? What’s the amount of Grant this work will require?


Why we ask these questions

Your answers to these questions will help us understand your organisation and how you work within the context of your community. We are interested in finding out whether you have some of the key characteristics and qualities we are looking for as this helps us to identify the groups we think we are best placed to help.

Don’t worry about making your application ‘professional’ or glossy – we are looking for openness and a clear sense of the work you do and how and why you do it.

Remember that when we use the word community we don’t just mean your local area: your community can also be a ‘community of interest’ – a group of people with a particular shared need, experience or identity.

Make sure that your application tells us how many people your organization works with (or the number of people you are hoping to reach if you are looking for funding for a new project or are a new organization). This helps us to get an idea of the scale and scope of your work.

You don’t need to provide a detailed description or full costings of the work you are seeking funding for at this stage. We will ask you for more information if your application goes through to the second stage.

Ultimately we want to understand the vision and energy that inspire your work and how you think the LDF funding could help develop it.

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